Can Paid Search Impact Your SEO Efforts?
The world of search engine optimisation (SEO) is constantly evolving. What once was the sole province of web developers and marketers is now available to any business with a website. That’s because SEO Adelaide has evolved from the back-end work that only experts could do, into front-end digital strategies that can be used by anyone with an internet connection. And one of the best ways to use SEO to your advantage? Paid search advertising—which involves buying ad space on Google, Facebook or other sites for a price per click or impression—is one-way companies can attract new customers and grow their online presence. Builds brand awareness Paid search is an excellent way to build brand awareness. If you don't know the brand, you won't buy it. This is especially true for B2B products and services where customers may not have heard of you before. Brand awareness is more than just a logo; it's about knowing what makes your company special and why your custo...